Monday, August 9, 2010

Maidens Who Don't Float

As a writer, I'm always thinking about new ways a story could be told.  What new techniques could be used?  What if it was in a different perspective? His? Hers? The cat's? How could I relate a story that would be attention-grabbing for the reader?

Novels have grasped new types of communication and been written in emails and text messages.  I've wondered if a novel could be written using FaceBook posts.

Someone has already beaten me to it.  Ophelia Joined the Group Maidens Who Don't Float: Classic Lit Signs on to Facebook  by Sarah Schmelling revisits a variety of the classics as FaceBook profiles and groups.  Interspersed are wall posts and quizzes featuring our favorite authors.  Jane Austen takes a quiz about which Jane Austen heroine she would be.  Ernest Hemingway takes a quiz comparing his manliness to others.  It's awesome.  My friend loaned the book to me and I barely had it an hour before I added it to my Amazon cart.

What are some books that you can't live without?


  1. LOL Mine would all be romance!

    Gotta have my Johanna and Julia with some Sherrilyn Kenyon sprinkled into the mix. No matter where I go there is always a novel in my purse.

    Ophelia is one of my characters. In HS, I painted her floating in a river as my lit project. LOL Ok, so I was kinda dorky. ;)

  2. I'm a big Julia Quinn and Julia London fan as well. Have you read any Tessa Dare? I really like hers as well.

    I just got a new purse that is big enough to put a book in. I finally gave in and got the "mom" purse. LOL.


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